Authors retain their rights and all their royalties. Start earning an income from your writing. Should you secure a deal with a publisher, or sign-up with a literary agent, you can sell on rights and re-publish.
Publishing packages start from just £500. Fees are tailored to individual authors and their needs, whether writers are interested in editorial, publication or marketing services.
Author Enterprises can help with arranging hard copies of publications, as well as organising author websites, launch parties and PR campaigns
“As a literary consultant and publicist I worked alongside numerous bestselling authors – including Simon Sebag-Montefiore, William Dalrymple and Kate Williams. And as a publisher at Endeavour Press we specialise in re-invigorating backlist titles. With Author Enterprises however, the aim is to provide a platform to publish and promote new voices and independent authors… The publishing world has already changed, having adapted to ebooks and the dominance of Amazon. The future is now. Independent writers, if their books are strong enough and well marketed, can now sit side by side with established brands on the bestseller lists.”